Time has passed, things have gone, but this feeling of
resent at myself has stayed while it laughs at my gallows as I stare at my feet
with something so pure and innocent. Just one look is all I need, that look that
tells you everything is going to be okay, but how can I see when you blind me
with this hatred. I don’t want to run anymore, I don’t want to hide from the
evil that breaks me as I fall. I can’t do it, but if this pain means I can stay
in your life then so be it, I’ll let time pass as my heart ache kills me.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Her eyes
dark with an ounce of silence, the wind was blowing and the trees whistling as
the air passes by, I stop to look and her eyes are cold, cold like the brutal
realisation of the world that frightens us, the realisation that once was, is
no more as the black pit of hell opens as I’m drawn closer and closer to what
they call nothing and all my dreams and all my thoughts that are happy are
gone, gone like my life has ended there and then. The darkness of her soul
clenches her hands around my neck therefore I start to choke but the beating of
my heart and the butterflies that over fill my stomach indicate to my mind that
everything is okay even though my deepest fear is becoming my reality. I have nothing,
nothing left to give to you but you over crowed me with something I don’t want
to see, why are you doing this, why me, why is it that what I am seeing and
feeling I do not want but the cold rush that is creeping through my mind needs
more, This girl who I didn’t know, this girl who was afraid, she was more beautiful than you could ever imagine and in that split second I was happy.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Basketball it explains life perfectly you win some you loose some, the more you put into it, the better it gets, the less you put into it the worse it gets, you get off days and really good days but whats not to like about the game.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
The moment i knew i was wrong
I'm not sure what it was, I was so fine about it until I got close it
was like every feeling I had that month had just suddenly rushed into my
stomach. I took a deep breath hoping this feeling would go away but the
clenching of my nerves where here to stay, my knee wasn't very
forgiving as it buckled because it was shaking with fear. I was there, I
had beaten the barrier but all that was left to do was climb the wall
that seemed impossible, the wall that crushed me many times before. I
had slipped a few times as the guilt over rid my head while my heart
beats so fast I can't control it. It rang and the suspense was
unbearable I just felt like letting go and falling until I hit rock
bottom, then a shadow appeared and my world got sucked into a black pit
called hell but as soon as I saw her eyes I was back, everything that
was is no more, no feeling of guilt or nerves just a feeling of my heart
being lifted into heaven. At first it felt awkward but then it just
helped me get through the time I was there. I've seen her beauty before
but it was not until then I had realized the true beauty she had held
for all this time. We had talked for a while and for that short while my
life was complete and it was at the point of going that I realized that
everything I had done was the best for both of us but I couldn't help
but say in my mind that all of it was mistake and I just wished I could
go back where I was happy and so sure about everything, as goodbye left
my mouth and a cuddle following after it I could of shot myself there
and then because I had finally felt the pain I put you through, I walked
away with the love tumbling down my face dropping to the floor, I
realized I was wrong about everything and now I have got to face the
consequences. All I can say is I'm sorry and I will always love you,
forever and always.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Something you don't realise
It takes less than a second to click a button for a picture
to be taken. How many pictures have you taken where there is someone you don’t
know, someone you would have never talked to, someone that would never cross
your mind, for that split second did that person have an impact on your life,
was it there purpose to be there or were they there at the wrong time. It makes
you wonder if you have made an impact on someone’s life and was it meant to be
that you where in their photo, how many photos are you in? How many times has
one person caught a glimpse of your face? How many lives have you made an impact
Out with friends

may take some photos while i am out and this is what become of them hope you like it :)

Hope, what is hope? Is hope something we like to hold on to or something we like to believe in because we have nothing else to help us through life when times are bad, We hold on to every last bit of hope because we all think that it makes a difference but in fact it doesn't because in theory we are our own hope so only you can make a difference.

We all look up at the sky and stare into to the distance, what are we looking for?

Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's
the moments that take your breath away.

Something we can't change
My hour of weakness
It felt like pain was seeping through my soul while a blade meandered
down my body cutting through my skin, the pain terrified me, it was
something that made me shake in fear of my life not knowing what's next.
My body started to beat in way I cannot describe as the blade pierces
my heart ripping my life apart into shreds, and then a sudden flood of
reality came to my mind as the realization of my fear was non-existent.
But then a sudden rush of terror hit the air giving me a smack in the
face when a hot sweat trickled down my face, then a cold chill ran down
my back as I start to hold my breath, my head went under and the water
covered everything, even the dark pit of my soul was drawn in by the sound
of the bubbles floating to the surface of hell which keeps me trapped.
When the adrenalin kicked in just a few seconds felt more like a few
hours of sorrow leaking into the cracks of the earth, my life was over, I
had nothing left to give until you crept into my on-going mind that
drives me crazy. I was dead until you smothered me with something that
was so beautiful, something I could not live without, something that
life itself cannot offer you, something that made me think otherwise. My
lungs were replenished as I made a gasp for air. Guilt and selfishness
follows me every step I take while I cry myself to sleep so the feeling
of contempt slowly fades away into the darkness. The feel of contempt
fades as I watch myself sleep. I am free, free from the moment of
weakness that over rides me in my time of enclosure. I close my eyes
and the pain and fear that once was is no
more… So
I close my eyes and I sleep.
Who am I?
Am i who i want to be, or am i who other people want me to be, or am i
who i want other people to see me, maybe I'm just a little bit of everything because I'm just too scared to be myself!!!
Just A Dream
My life stopped in a flash as she looked at me with eyes more beautiful
than an angel, my body rises with a cold rush that tickles the back of
my neck setting off a twitch causing my body to clench as butterfly's
heap into my stomach. I had started to speak but words could not form
into any shape possible, she laughs as her head is tilt towards the
floor as she try's to hide the red hot blush that secretly hit her face.
She gazes into my eyes and the words that could not be said before had
come alive while the rain hit my skin soaking my body and soul. A kiss
on her cheek was just right for this moment then following with a long
pause as I stop to stare, the words your beautiful passes through the
air as it gently creeps into her ears. I flinch as a black cloud of dust
crashes towards me and then I closed my eyes and everything was gone,
no rain, no star in the sky not even the girl was to be seen and then I
woke up but the feeling was still there this feeling of something I
could not explain this feeling of being nervous by the sound of her
voice and the feeling of just one glance at her eyes you would freeze
and that one moment would last a life time…. Someone once told me that I
think you only find one true soul mate... You just think you've had
loads until you find the right one. I think I've found mine but all I
can say is she's just a dream.
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